Unveiling the Pitfalls: The Dark Side of ChatGPT in Student Learning ~ FAWAZ AL GHOUSSAINY

In the age of advanced technology, artificial intelligence has found its way into our classrooms, promising enhanced learning experiences. However, a groundbreaking study sheds light on the potential drawbacks of one such AI tool, ChatGPT, and its impact on students’ academic and social spheres.My investigation sought to uncover whether the ubiquitous use of ChatGPT might be a double-edged sword, providing quick solutions but potentially hindering critical thinking, independent research, and face-to-face communication skills.The study combined quantitative analysis of academic performance metrics with qualitative assessments of social interactions. Surveys and interviews were conducted to gauge changes in communication patterns among students heavily relying on ChatGPT.

Key Findings:1. Academic Decline: Preliminary results indicate a correlation between intensive ChatGPT usage and a decline in critical thinking skills. Students may be leaning on AI-generated content, bypassing in-depth research and compromising the originality of their academic work. 2. Social Implications: There are indications of a shift in communication preferences, with students showing a tendency towards virtual interactions at the expense of face-to-face engagement. This could have repercussions on the development of interpersonal skills crucial for future professional and personal interactions. As the educational landscape evolves, the study underscores the need for a balanced approach. While AI tools like ChatGPT offer undeniable benefits, a cautious integration strategy is paramount. Encouraging students to use these technologies as supplementary tools rather than replacements for traditional methods emerges as a crucial recommendation. The findings of this investigation serve as a call to action for educators, policymakers, and students alike. As we navigate the intersection of technology and education, it is imperative to harness the advantages of AI responsibly. The report concludes with practical recommendations to optimize the integration of AI tools, ensuring they complement rather than compromise the foundational elements of education.